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Nick finds the laziest characters in video games.

Top 5 Lazy Guys
Upload Date April 29th 2014
Hosts Nick
Series Top 10's



Everyone gets the case of being lazy once in a while is normal. These guys make laziness a way of life.

5. The Animal Crossing Villagers. Every land has to go through bloodshed in order to get to peace. Not so in Animal Crossing. The animal's survey revealed the following as their biggest stress inducers: 1. This week's fishing tournament, 2. Pitfalls, 3. Not being best friends with you. They have nothing to worry about or do, yet none of them can keep track of their own junk. There is even a lazy personality! Everyone is too busy with the nothingness that they are doing. You aren't the mayor, you are the errand runner.

4. The Mortal Kombat Tailor. There are a lot of lazy characters in fighting games. There are no fewer then 17 Mortal Kombat ninjas as clients, and has two different designs for all of them to share. Each ninja has totally different movesets, but their tailor was not with the program! They got away with it for 3 straight games.

3. Bob the Killer Goldfish. Many of the bosses in Earthworm Jim are just animals. With all the super hero and villainous animals, what is Bob's excuse for just being a goldfish? Bob just wants to steal Jim's suit. Bob has a bodyguard that does all the work for him. There are disembodied brains that are more self-sufficient then Bob. He gets reduced to joke character status.

2. Talon. Being lazy is wonderful. Having to pick up after a lazy person's slack is just the worst. One look at Talon's face says screw this guy. He ditched his own daughter in the middle of a market, fell asleep so hard an entire organism needed to be born for him to wake up, and he is too lazy to round up the cuccoos by himself! Ingo just takes over the ranch and enslaves his daughter. Talon ends up falling asleep in a strangers house rather then do anything about it! He is too lazy to be a decent father.

1. Professor Oak. Anyone can act lazy, but few have laziness as their calling in life. Snorlax just eats, sleeps, eats some more and sleeps again. However he can surf, control water out of nowhere, control weather, and shoot lazers. Let the man sleep!

Laziness is a man who spends his entire life researching Pokemon, and only having 3 to show for it. Professor Oak has only 3 Pokemon left after 'giving the rest away'. The player is then given a blank Pokedex! It doesn't even come with the information from the 3 Pokemon he has left! He does little, while getting a lot. He has achieved so much fame for sending children to do his work for him.
