Screwattack Wiki

Craig, Jared and Chad discuss strategy guides, Chad wants g1s to guess how long it will be until Nick breaks something, and greedy companies that use codes to get rid of the used games market.

Rock On, Lady
Hosts Craig, Chad, Jared
Date August 15th 2011
Segments Hard News, Middle Segment, Newsdesk, Forum Questions
This week's challenge Captain Eo or Metroid
Next week's challenge Dress as a former ScrewAttack member


Craig almost stuffed up the intro. Craig and Chad are wearing the same shirt. Craig is super excited. They have been vague about some things for the last six months. Next week there will be the biggest announcement in ScrewAttack history. Sean and Lauren have been introduced, as have some interns.

Jared jokes that they are closing down. Craig lists the videos coming out this week. This year in the Iron-Man of Gaming, the winner will get their own belt. Jared hasn't heard that announcement yet. Chad is the entire board of the Iron-Man of Gaming.

Hard News[]

People are using download codes into their games for exclusive things for new users. The new Warhammer game is getting a co-operative mode, which will be free for those who buy the game new, and other users will have to pay for it.

A lot of companies are trying to hurt the used game industry. Rage is locking away single player content for people who don't have the code. Craig compares this to DLC. Craig doesn't like this idea. He wants to buy the whole game. It is like not getting the star world in Super Mario Bros 3. Chad doesn't like it when single player experiences are removed.

The one time codes from Gears of War 2 were not very successful. They won't do that for Gears of War 3. They tried it and it didn't work for them. Craig thinks if it was DLC it might have done better. It is great for gamers. This is a new thing. Chad feels that game companies are getting greedy. Jared compares this industry to selling used cars. Even the music industry doesn't seem to be as whiny as video game companies. Craig uses GameAttack as a comparison of how much they made. Used games are very efficient for game stores.

There is a new Counter Strike game. There will be an emphasis on 5v5 gameplay. You will be able to run faster with a knife! A g1 asked if this would be competitive on console. It doesn't work.

Jared discusses the Middle Segment discussion.

Middle Segment[]

A g1 wants to know about what the crew's history is with strategy guides. They feel like a cheat code to Craig. They devalue the game you bought. At the store, Craig would scroll through them. Jared brings in a bunch of strategy guides. Craig takes a cheat guide. The games Jared wants Craig to look up aren't in the book. Craig would never buy one.

Chad renewed his Nintendo Power subscription and get a strategy guide to see things he would never expect to see. Jared's first was for Donkey Kong with Nintendo Power. He got 102% in Donkey Kong Country because of it. Craig looks at Whomp's Fortress in Super Mario 64, and has never seen the level look the way it does.

Strategy guides are pointless now, but game stores are reliant on them. Craig takes out Chad's Goldeneye strategy guide. Jared has a Gameboy guide. It gives color suggestions for games.

Angel has been in town, and his girlfriend had never played the original Gameboy. Craig gave her Tetris, and she was addicted to it. Craig only used Nintendo Power. When they stopped getting that, they stopped using strategy guides. For Jared, his last strategy guide was for Mortal Kombat on the Nintendo 64. Jared gets them now for the collectable purposes. Using strategy guides is basically cheating. When older games weren't selling any more, the guides would be thrown away, so Jared would take them home. Chad shows off the Goldeneye merchandise. Chad spilled Red Bull on his strategy guide!


There are more Florida stories! A fine looking female (Jared), and her boyfriend (Chad) is on the couch. In Gainsvile, she launched fireworks off while drunk to wake her husband up! She lost her fingers.

A man is dead, after putting an eel up his friend's butt while sleeping. The sleeping victim is dead now. The man was 59 years old! Doctors were confused as his friend's didn't tell him. The man died, and the doctor's found it in an autopsy! These are the worst friends ever!

Also in Florida, a 71 year old man was arrested for tagging. The news article has a terrible pun in it.

Forum Questions[]

Q. Can you explain the process on how you got Nekocon to host IMOG, and what other cons were in the running?

Angel was talking to someone who was running Nekocon, and after a few months of discussing it worked out. Craig doesn't think anyone will win two years in a row.

Q. Has Nick broken anything yet in the new office?

That g1 is the only one allowed to put production value into his questions. Ben broke something, but Nick hasn't, because he hasn't been here. He is at a church camp. Craig doesn't want Nick to break anything. How many days until Nick breaks something. There will be a prize for the closest without going over. Craig's Disney poster is close to another door to make sure Nick is respectful.Chad thinks the poster will get broken again. Someone will get a DVD for it!

Q. Has the crew done anything like turning a zapper into a lazer?

It wasn't a great question, but it was cool to show it off. Craig wants the zapper to be turned into laser tag! Chad does a lot of fight stick modding. Chad flipped the backs of controllers to make them different colors. Jared has modded a Super Nintendo to play import games. Jared is playing a European game - but is using the French version, and is using a translator!

Q. If there is any video game franchise that you would want to see Lego-ized?

Craig and Chad both think of fighting games. Mortal Kombat would be hilarious to see the characters pop their heads off! Craig suggests a serious game like Dead Space or Mass Effect. Jared doesn't want Mass Effect. There was an April Fools joke that people kept on requesting to Jared at his store. Chad wants to see Donkey Kong, and Jared wants to see Battlestar Galactia.

There are a lot of birthdays, because Jared made the easy challenge of Metroid. Someone had a Captain Eo costume. Way back, ScrewAttack was asked to design their groom's cake, and it has now been made. One g1 wears three Captain Eo t-shirts, has a Captain Eo poster, and is holding a Metroid cartridge in his mouth!

Next week's challenge is to dress as a former member of ScrewAttack. Jared suggests Be-bop and Steve. Craig clarifies that Corey hasn't been with ScrewAttack for a year. There is a mega huge announcement next week!
