Reviews were a video / blog show where a member of the ScrewAttack crew would review a new game.

Review scales[]
ScrewAttack has two score sales. The first is a traditional 1 - 10 score.
- 10 - Legendary: 10s are the rare games that reach the ultimate plateau of gaming superiority. They are the pinnacle of their genre, and should not be overlooked.
- 9 - Excellent: 9s represent excellence. Any issues they may have are minor or are easily forgiven for what is a fantastic experience.
- 8 - Great: 8s are great games that have something holding them back from excellence, or some features aren't as polished. They are still extremely worthy of playing, but may not be the most impressive.
- 7 - Good: 7s are very fun games that have solid appeal. They have obvious issues that stick out, but can still be enjoyed by anyone.
- 6 - Above Average: 6s have good ideas, but may not be executed the best. Can be enjoyable by certain circumstances or fans, but may feel shallow to most.
- 5 - Average: 5s are all right. Not remarkably good, but not remarkably bad either. They could be a decent way to pass time.
- 4 - Lacking: 4s are hurting in quality. May have instances of fun that are overshadowed by major problems, technical or otherwise. They could be fun, but the issues may not make them worthwhile.
- 3 - Bad: 3s are problematic. Any potential they have is lost from poor execution or design. Any entertainment found within is sporadic.
- 2 - Awful: 2s are a mess. Riddled with poor gameplay, design choices, and/or numerous bugs. Whatever enjoyment involved most likely is not worth the pain you must go through.
- 1 - Garbage: 1s have no redeeming qualities. They are a complete waste of time to everybody.
The secondary score that allows the reviewer to state whether or not the game is worth buying or not.
- Buy It- You Should buy this game
- Rent It- Pick the game up cheap and smash it out and return it.
- F' It- Don't buy or play this game at all.
List of Episodes[]
Video Game - Reviewer - Date - Score / 10 - Rating
Reviews without dates[]
- Mega Man 9 - Craig - 9 - Buy It
- Wario Land: Shake It - Ben - 8 - Buy It
- Street Fighter IV - Craig, Ben, Chad, Destin, Bryan, Corey and Jose - 9 - Buy It
- Golden Axe: Beast Rider - Ben - 2.5 - F' It
- Onechanbara - Destin - 3 - F' It
- Dead Space - Destin - 8.5 - Buy It
- Return All Robots - Bryan - 7.5 - Buy It
- Quantum of Solace - Ben - 7.5 - Buy It
- Gears of War - Destin - 8.5 - Buy It
- Punch Out!! - Nick - 8 - Buy It
- inFAMOUS - Destin - 7.5 - Buy It
- Batman: Arkham Asylum - Bryan - 7.5 - Rent It
- Need for Speed: SHIFT - Ben - 6.5 - Rent It
- Halo 3: ODST - Jose - 7 - Rent It
- TMNT: Smash Up! - Nick - 4 - F' It
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars Republic Heroes - Ben - 2.5 - F' It
- Uncharted 2 - Destin - 9.5 - Buy It
- Limbo - Destin - 8 - Buy It
- Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 - Craig - 8 - Buy It
- Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena - Destin - 6.5 - Rent It
- Gears of War 2 - Destin - 9 - Buy It
- Singularity - Destin - 4.5 - Rent It
- Dead Rising 2: Case Zero - Destin - 8.5 - Buy It
- Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Craig - 9 - Buy It
- X-Men Wolverine - Destin - 8.5 - Buy It
- Marvel Pinball - Nick - 7.5 - F' It
- Fallout: New Vegas - Destin - 8.5 - Buy It
- Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D - Ben - 5 - F' It
- Dynasty Warriors: Gundum 3 - Bryan - 4 - F' It
- Nyko PowerPak Test - Bryan - 7 - Buy It
- Alice: Madness Returns - Ben - 6.5 - Rent It
- Bastion - Ben - 8 - Buy It
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Ben - 5 - Rent It
- Call of Juarez: The Cartel - Bryan - 2.5 - F' It
- Prince of Persia - Destin - 6.5 - Rent It
- Hydro Thunder Hurricane: Tempest Pack - Nick - 7 - F' It
- Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - Jose - 6.5 - Rent It
- Brütal Legend - Bryan - 8.5 - Buy It
- Borderlands - Bryan - 8.5 - Buy It
- Tekken 6 - Bryan - 8 - Buy It
- Dues Ex: Human Revolution - Jared - 9 - Buy It
- Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition - Chad - 9 - Buy It
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - Craig - (unknown) - F' It
- Burnout: Revenge - Craig - March 30th 2006 - (no score) - Rent It
- Just Cause 2 - Nick - April 14th 2010 - (no score) - Buy It
- Fallout: New Vegas - Destin - October 19th 2010 - (no score) - Buy It
- Call of Duty: Black Ops - Craig - November 8th 2010 - (no score) - Buy It
- WWE Allstars - Bryan - March 30th 2011 - 7.5 - Buy It
- Dead or Alive: Dimensions (3DS) - Ben - June 4th 2011 - (no score) - Buy It
- Duke Nukem Forever - Bryan - June 15th 2011 - 5 - Rent It
- Burger Town Burger - Craig - September 5th 2011 - 5 - F' It (The community decided to rate it Rent It)
- Sonic Colors - Ben - September 8th 2011 - 8 - Buy It
- Shadows of the Damned - Bryan - September 8th 2011 - 7 - Buy It
- Ridge Racer 3D - Ben - September 8th 2011 - 6.5 - Buy It
- Bodycount - Sean - September 9th 2011 - 4.5 - F' It
- Star Fox 64 3D - Ben - September 9th 2011 - 7 - Buy It
- Madden 12 - Bryan - September 9th 2011 - 7.5 - Rent It
- Dead Island - Jared - September 13th 2011 - 6 - Rent It
- Driver San Francisco - Sean - September 16th 2011 - 9 - Buy It
- Warhammer 40K: Space Marine - Bryan - September 19th 2011 - 7 - Buy It
- T.E.C. 3001 - Ben - September 20th 2011 - 4.5 - F' It
- Gears of War 3 - Bryan - September 30th 2011 - Bryan - 8 - Buy It
- X-Men: Destiny - Jared - October 5th 2011 - Bryan - 3 - Buy It
- Rage - Bryan - October 10th 2011 - 8 - Buy It
- Orcs Must Die - Sean - October 15th 2011 - 7.5 - Buy It
- Dark Souls - Jared - October 17th 2011 - 8 - Buy It
- Spider Man: Edge of Time - Sean - October 20th 2011 - 6.5 - Rent It
- Batman: Arkham City - Jared - October 24th 2011 - 8.5 - Buy It
- Battlefield 3 - Jared - October 29th 2011 - 7.5 - Buy It
- Kirby's Return to Dreamland - Bryan - November 1st 2011 - 6 - Rent It
- Dance Central 2 - Jared - November 1st 2011 - 8 - Buy It
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Reception - Jared - November 3rd 2011 - 9 - Buy It
- Lord of the Rings: War in the North - Jared - November 9th 2011 - 6.5 - Rent It
- Modern Warfare 3 - Craig - November 12th 2011 - 8.5 - Buy It
- Skyrim - Ben - November 12th 2011 - 9 - Buy It
- Sonic Generations - Ben - November 12th 2011 - 8 - Buy It
- Super Tanooki Skin 2D - Jared - November 18th 2011 - 2 - F' It
- Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary - Bryan - November 18th 2011 - 8 - Buy It
- Assassin's Creed: Revelations - Jared - November 23rd 2011 - 6 - Buy It
- Need for Speed The Run - Bryan - November 24th 2011 - 5 - Rent It
- Zelda: Skyward Sword - Jared - December 2nd 2011 - 9.5 - Buy It
- Super Mario 3D Land - Craig, Chad and Jared - December 3rd 2011 - 9 - Buy It
- Minecraft - Jared - December 13th 2011 - 8.5 - Buy It
- Star Wars: The Old Republic - Jared - January 5th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Jared - February 2nd 2012 - 5.5 - F' It
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Jared - February 7th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- Resident Evil: Revelations - Jared - February 16th 2012 - 8.5 - Buy It
- The Darkness - Bryan - February 19th 2012 - 7.5 - Rent It
- Shank 2 - Jared - February 21st 2012 - 7 - Buy It
- Twisted Metal - Sean - February 25th 2012 - 6.5 - Rent It
- Tekken 3D Prime Edition - Jared - February 29th 2012 - 6 - F' It
- Tales of the Abyss 3D - Jared - February 29th 2012 - 6 - Rent It
- Asura's Wrath - Jared - March 3rd 2012 - 5 - Rent It
- Syndicate - Jared - March 5th 2012 - 6 - Rent It
- SSX - Bryan - March 9th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- Alan Wake's American Nightmare - Sean - March 10th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- Touch My Katamari - Austin Smith - March 16th 2012 - 5.5 - F' It
- I Am Alive - Austin Smith - March 19th 2012 - 4 - F' It
- Street Fighter X Tekken - Bryan - March 22nd 2012 - 7.5 - Rent It
- Journey - Jared - March 22nd 2012 - 9 - Buy It
- Silent Hill: Downpour - Jared - March 30th 2012 - 6 - Rent It
- Tales of Graces F - Austin Smith - April 3rd 2012 - 8.5 - Buy It
- Mass Effect 3 - Jared - March 17th 2012 / July 5th 2012 - 8.5 - (no rating given)
- Angry Birds Space - Sean Capdeville - April 10th 2012 - 8.5 - Buy It
- Kid Icarus: Uprising - Jared - April 12th 2012 - 7 - Buy It
- Max Payne Mobile - Sean Capdeville - April 17th 2012 - 7 - Buy It
- Xenoblade Chronicles - Jared - April 17th 2012 - 9 - Buy It
- World Gone Sour - Austin Smith - April 19th 2012 - 5 - Rent It
- Legend of Grimrock - Jared - April 25th 2012 - 9.5 - Buy It
- The Walking Dead Episode 1 - Dave Herrington - April 27th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- Tribles: Ascend - Jared - April 28th 2012 - 9 - Buy It
- Fez - Austin Smith - May 5th 2012 - 9 - Buy It
- Marvel vs Capcom 2 (IPhone)- Sean Capdeville - May 8th 2012 -8 -Buy It
- Orion: Dino Beatdown - Dave Herrington -4 - F' It
- Mario Tennis Open - Jared - May 23rd 2012 - 5 - F' It
- N.O.V.A. 3 - Sean Capdeville - May 26th 2012 - 9 - Buy It
- Battleship - Austin Smith - May 31st 2012 - 2 - F' It
- Game of Thrones
- Dragon's Dogma - Jared - June 1st 2012 - 7.5 - Buy It
- Diablo III - Jared - June 3rd 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- Temple Run: Brave - Sean Capdeville - June 22nd 2012 - 7 - F' It
- Asphalt 7: Heat - Sean Capdeville - June 30th 2012 - 7.5 - Buy It
- Final Fantasy Theatrhythm - Jared - July 7th 2012 - 7.5 - Buy It
- Lollipop Chainsaw - Jared - July 7th 2012 - 6.5 - Rent It (assumption based on Jared's play it over the weekend statement)
- Rescue Bacon - Sean Capdeville - July 11th 2012 - 7 - Buy It
- Quantum Conundrum - Dave Herrington - July 12th 2012 - 8.5 - Buy It
- NCAA Football 13 - Bryan - July 15th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- Gunlord - Jared - July 23rd 2012 - 5.5 - F' It
- Pokemon Conquest
- Amazing Alex
- Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance - August 1st 2012 - 7.5 - Buy It
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD - Bryan - August 3rd 2012 - 6.5 - Buy It
- Wreckateer - Jared - August 8th 2012 - 4.5 - F' It
- The Book of Unwritten Tales
- Sleeping Dogs - Jared - August 16th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- Papo & Yo
- New Super Mario Bros. 2 - Jared - August 23rd 2012 - 7 - Buy It
- Rainbow Moon - Austin Smith - August 29th 2012 - 6 - Rent It
- Dust: An Elysian Tale
- Horn - Sean Capdeville - September 15th 2012 - 6 - Rent It
- The Last Story
- Throw a Phone at Drake - Sean Capdeville - September 26th 2012 - 6 - F' It Note: This review was a joke and reference to an episode of Newsroom.
- Mark of the Ninja - Jared - September 26th 2012 - 9 - Buy It
- Borderlands 2 - Jared - September 29th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- PETA's Pokemon: Black and Blue - Drake - October 9th 2012 - 3 - Buy It
- FIFA 13 - Bryan - October 11th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- Dishonored - Bryan - October 12th 2012 - 9 - Buy It
- Resident Evil 6 - Sean - October 13th 2012 - 5.5 - Rent It
- Rock Band Blitz
- Happy Wars - Shaun - October 20th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- XCom: Enemy Unknown - Bryan - October 25th 2012 - 9 - Buy It
- Need for Speed: Most Wanted - Shaun - November 4th 2012 - 8.5 - Buy It
- Pixld - Sean Capdeville - November 10th 2012 - 2.5 - F' It
- Halo 4 - Bryan - November 14th 2012 - 8 - Buy It
- Angry Birds Star Wars
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Craig - November 15th 2012 - 7 - (no rating given)
- LittleBigPlanet Karting
- Tank! Tank! Tank! - Drake - November 19th 2012 - 6 - Rent It
- Scribblenauts Unlimited - Craig? - November 19th 2012 - 6.5 - Rent It
- New Super Mario Bros U
- Hitman Absolution
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - Ben - November 21st 2012 - 8.5 - Buy It
- ZombiU - Sam (but maybe Ben??) - November 22nd 2012 - 7 - Rent It
- New Super Mario Bros U - Sean wrote it, Ben voiced it - November 22nd 2012 - 8 - (no rating given)
- Assassin's Creed 3 - Sean - November 22nd 2012 - 8.5 - (no rating given)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified - Sean - November 28th 2012 - 4 - F' It
- Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask - Ryan Conway - December 8th 2012 - 8.5 - Buy It
- Forge - Dan Starkey - December 10th 2012 - 4 - F' It
- Far Cry 3 - Sam - December 11th 2012 - 9 - Buy It
- Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour - Sean Capdeville - December 24th 2012 - 8 - Buy It