Screwattack Wiki

Prowler64 Prowler64 18 May 2021

Explaining my absence

Hi. For those of you who have noticed (probably no one), I suddenly stopped editing earlier this month. Sadly, my laptop died, and I'm currently working on a solution to it. This has also meant that several files that I have to upload to this site are currently unavailable to me. This includes:

  • A handful more Random Awesomeness videos from the ScrewAttack archive channels.
  • The 6th anniversary birthday marathon - which is particularly annoying since I've been meaning to get around to it, and now that I finally did it, I still can't upload it because of this!
  • The first four hours of the 7th anniversary birthday marathon.
  • The first half of the Sidescrollers episodes found on the Sidescrollers Archive YouTube channel. These are a high priority as …
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Prowler64 Prowler64 13 September 2019

Nick has been fired from RoosterTeeth

Yesterday it was announced that 50 RoosterTeeth employees were laid off. One of those 50 was Nick. It's really sad to see one of the oldschool members of the team go. I wish him good luck in whatever he decides to do next. It's awesome to see so many g1s reach out to him on Twitter, as well as former and current crew members.

Craig has reached out and offered him a position at GameAttack. It would be great to see those two together again.

Good luck Nick!

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Prowler64 Prowler64 25 February 2016

Why we don't take Death Battle suggestions

After over a year of this wiki now, I see the same kind of things from the same types of users. The Death Battle pages are getting clogged with Death Battle suggestions and hate speeches. I will use this blog to attempt to give examples as to why we don't want comments like this.

  1. The most obvious is that Death Battle already has its own wiki. There is no need for a second one, as they are already well established. If a user gets blocked from there, what would stop them from coming here just to continue spamming their hate. I have already noticed users getting banned from there, only to come here and get banned for the exact same reasons. This tells me that the rules at this wiki must be made stricter to prevent this.
  2. The target audience of t…
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Prowler64 Prowler64 10 July 2015

Death Battle Discussion

So it appears the Death Battle crowd has discovered this wikia. While this is a good thing, unfortunately, this means that this wikia may become a place for people to dump their Death Battle suggestions. This will not be tolerated.

If you have a suggestion, you can only use the Death Battle Facebook page, or post it in the most recent Death Battle video on ScrewAttack or YouTube. No other place is acceptable, and they will be ignored by Ben and Chad if placed anywhere else.

Furthermore, absolutely NO Death Battle discussion is to be placed on this site whatsoever (not even the forums). The target audience of this site doesn't want to hear about your suggestions! Please respect the fans who want to read and edit about ScrewAttack, who don't care …

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